1. Tasks (compulsory, homework)

  • Friendship: use a minimum of five expressions, words or sentences from the song " Count on Me" by Bruno Mars and write a text or a story  about friendship.
  • Book versus Film: What are the differences between the film and the book in Romeo and Juliet?
  • Description podcast: describe a picture with your voice, following the instructions you practised with Rebecca.You can include the text too.
  • Your best experiences in Italy: write about the best moments, memories of the trip. If you didn't go to Italy you can write about the Easter holidays, did you do something special? did you go somewhere?
  • TOURIST INTERVIEWS : Write the transcription of the interviews in Figueres, you can add a picture and the podcast or video of the interview. One minimum.
LABELS : 3rd term, task
2. My- World (free writings)
Songs, films, news, personal life, things that occur in your life that are relevant, important for you:
LABELS : 3rd term, my-world



1. Tasks (compulsory, homework)

  • My experiences: write about a minimum of three experiences you've had and the lesson you've learnt.
  • New Year's Resolutions: 3 objectives you want to achieve in 2012 and 3 strategies for each.
  • Self- evaluation of your oral presentation: comment on the results of your oral exam : When they were young. 
  • Love story: Think about a love film or song : What kind of love is it? pure love, platonic, romantic, unrequited, unreturned, bitter love...)
  • Valentine's Day. Those are the Best Sites To Learn About Valentine’s Day
    Choose one (minimum)and do the exercises. Post it in your BLOG ( print Desktop to show the exercises you've done or include the link)
    What have you learnt?

LABELS : 2nd term, task
2. My- World (free writings)
Songs, films, news, personal life, things that occur in your life that are relevant, important for you:
LABELS : 2nd term, my-world



Tasks (compulsory, homework)

  • The animal in me. A picture of an animal you identify with. What are its characteristics? Comment on 3 friends pictures.
  • My dreams and challenges: copy the paragraph you wrote for your teacher.
  • Multiple Intelligence Test: copy the graphic on your space and comment it.
  • Tuning your blog (Disseny>Format)
-Add your friends spaces (Llista de blocs);
-Add links with dictionary, websites for practice (Llista d'enllaços)
-A translator
-Add a personal message,pictures etc
  • A song I like. A video from youtube with a song, lyrics and translation.
  • A day in my life (with pictures or a video too)
LABELS : 1st term, task
My- World (free writings)
Songs, films, news, personal life, things that occur in your life that are relevant, important for you: 3 POSTS minimum
LABELS : 1st term, my-world